Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rushed. Crazed.

hmm. Well life is a tid bit crazy right now with all the senior year deadlines piling up!
AP Exams are coming fast, haha actually my APUSH is on Friday and APBIO is on Monday.
My Heart of Darkness paper, got erased! So hahaha. I give up even though its also due Friday.
wow. I swear, I have to make the best out of this. or else it shall kill me. So... Today has been like crazy fun I guess. Seminary, as always was great. Schoool was long. and now studying/typing a paper will be longer.

Oh yeah. i also have to go to Lamazze or however you spell it with the ever increasingly large Sarah who is seven months along. little ethan alexander is due in july. Which is good for Sarah. haha.

hmm. I bought my bedding for BYU. and I cant believe it but this Sunday, will be a month until i leave for school which is CRAZY!!!! Im scared senseless but I'm making the most out of my time here. Actually a lot of stuff is going on packed into this last month, it will be a blast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks great! You should be able to have your pictures on the same post as your journaling. You can move the pictures where you want by right clicking on the pic and holding it down while moving up or down your post:) You can not do any editing after you have uploaded the pic's so do that before adding them. How's that for your first comment?