Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good Riddance.

My summer term has been over for almost a week and I dont miss it one little bit... Okay maybe I miss my friends but other than that... not really anything else is missable. I started working, and It is awesome. I am considered a computer technician. I cannot believe it. Its amazing.

Classes start on Sep. 2nd, and until then I am staying with my family friends, the LaFontaines. They are so nice and even let me drive their Denali to work when I need to. I have been so blessed by the Lord and I am so thankful for that.

My fall schedule is kinda difficult, but Idk I will survive. But yeahhh. Not much is going on in my life except that I am working and sleeping, and thats about it. :) Oh. and Danny put me on his family membership to THROWDOWN which is the largest martial arts gym in the country. So I am going to get back into kickboxing and stuff while Im out here. I am so stoked. You have no idea.

Wellp. Not much else is new, so this is me peacing out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you love your job! I am also glad that you are going to be doing some physical activity! I was thinking about you this morning when I was doing my run, I forgot to drink water before i went out and almost had the same gut renching experience that you had on yuour bridge run:( That has never happened to me before not fun to say the least!