Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Verdict: First Day of Class

Well. yesterday was my first day of class. Mondays and Wednesdays are my longest days because I have 6 straight hours of classes from 8 am to 2 pm. But I honestly love my classes. I go to English 150 with Professor Izant at 8. He was so wonderful and kept my attention the entire time which was phenomenal, and he is young so its easy to relate to him. My second class is Physical Science, which is taught by Professor Hart. He is funny and really knows how to teach and grab attention. I will like his science class. My third class is Doctrine and Covenants which I think will be my favorite class just because I love the book (its my favorite of all the standard works) and My teacher starts each class with a song and a prayer. I loved that. It was entirely unfamiliar but at the same time super thrilling. Also, yesterday we didnt have much to do because most of our hallmates went to see a movie, but my roommate Megan and I decided to hang out with our good guy friends, Skyler and Brandon. WE played Frsibee for a while then decided we were hungry. So we walked about a mile until we passed this pizza place that I absolutely had to have some of... i was starving. I had skipped lunch and dinnner. haha. But we got there and ordered the pizza. Skyler and Brandon left to walk to a grocery store. So Megan and I were left in the pizza place with the one guy that worked there. His name is Ron, and he was a middle-aged man who looked lonely. So we struck up conversation with him. Ron apparently died in a car accident in 1994. It was a story to hear, and I asked him about his religious affiliation. He claimed he had none, and that God had said no, that he didnt need a religion. So I took the opportunity to try to penetrate that barrier and let the spirit speak to him through my testimony. So Megan followed me, and we finally left the pizza place about 3 and a half hours of intense interrogation and religious discussion. I felt so at peace as we left, because Brandon and SKyler had been gone about an hour, but when they got back they began teaching him also. So, we have no clue what was going through his head... All I know is that the spirit was so strong as we were talking with him, and I felt is so strongly that as I bore my testimony of the Savior, I began to weep. I have not had an experience like that until last night. I loved each moment of it. One thing is for sure, D&K pizza will have frequent visits from the four of us. :)

Today, Tuesday.... I have absolutely no classes. So I am going to catch up on my homework and do a few other things like laundry. I was supposed to hike to the Y, but that got cancelled. So I dont know whats in store... maybe another day of missionary work? I hope so, I could sure get used to that.


Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like a pretty intense day full of new experiences! I am so glad you like all your classes and professors:) Pizza will have a whole new meaning to you now. Good job. All right your question for the day tomorrow is... What color shirt is the person to the right of you in Doctrine and Covenants wearing?

Jaime said...

I am so glad that you love it so much! It makes me very excited for college when I hear what you and Allie have been doing! I knew you would love it... good job on the missionary experiences. Those will make your whole BYU life so much more enjoyable :)