So it has been a while since I have blogged :) sorrrrry.
hmm. much has happened. here is the lowdown:
I started Weber State and just love it here.
I got my CNA license and hated it.
I work in the hospital as a guest service rep.
I also work as a secretary at Weber for PoliSci.
I spend the majority of my time either schooling, working, or being with Jason.
I feel so out of touch with ppl back home though, please update me on how you are doing!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Winter Wonderland
Friday, November 14, 2008
Big change in my life!
I've come upon a really great opportunity to leave BYU and move up to Ogden attending Weber State University. I am going to apply to their nursing program and then work myself in to Ogden Regional Hospital. Ogden Regional will pay your way through school as long as you agree to work for them. I'm really excited, and I have gotten my acceptance to Weber. I will be leaving BYU and moving up to Ogden in January to start classes at Weber and also start taking my CNA course so I can work at the hospital.
This is a major change but I'm hoping it will all work out better in the end :)
Wish me luck.
I'm still coming home for Christmas on December 20th! Dont forget!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I fly home on Saturday Dec. 20th and will in the Charleston airport at 5:40 pm or so.
I return back to Utah on Saturday Jan. 3rd 2008!
So I hope that I will get to see everyone and please be excited that Im coming back because I didnt think that I would be!
P.S: i would love to see everyone at the airport to meet me! :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Good Times In Utah.
Well its been real and its been fun. Its been real FUN!
Random Events over the last couple of weeks:
Birthday on October 2nd! We had a whipped cream fight, went to a car wash and sat ON TOP of the car while it was being washed, and I went country dancing with Sterling.

Oct. 3rd hike to Battle Creek Falls-
Sterling, I, Mavinee, and Nate all hiked to Battle Creek and then went to a park to have fun.
October 10, 2008 Rock Climbing Trip:
I did pretty well and we had so much fun hanging out doing this!
Random Events over the last couple of weeks:
Birthday on October 2nd! We had a whipped cream fight, went to a car wash and sat ON TOP of the car while it was being washed, and I went country dancing with Sterling.
Oct. 3rd hike to Battle Creek Falls-
Sterling, I, Mavinee, and Nate all hiked to Battle Creek and then went to a park to have fun.
I did pretty well and we had so much fun hanging out doing this!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
St. George Excursion
So I went to St. George this weekend with my roommate. We had so much fun!!!
On Saturday morning, we got to be in the Swiss Days parade where Angela drove the tractor and i rode on the front being lifted and dropped... haha sounds dangerous but oh was it fun!!! and people in the crowd were gasping and thinking I was gonna die! I loved it!
We even spent time doing our homework during the day, but after that, it was all partay.
We went fourwheeling for a while down on her farm, and that was so much fun! I thought I might get hurt a few times, but I came out triumphant with only a bruise to show. :)
Then we went to the General Relief Society Broadcast which was phenomenal, and President Uchtdorf's talk just made my day. I had such a great experience listening to him talk about our joy and our job as women to be happy and help others.
We went to Kurt's house for his farewell party!!! I cant believe he leaves and goes to the MTC tomorrow and then to Finland in December.
After his farewell, all Angela's friends came over and had a giant sleepover in her living room. It was so much fun, and made me really miss my friends back home. Sadd but true.
Well... Sunday was Kurt's farewell talk and then we left and came back to Provo.
This weekend was phenomenal and St. George is gorgeous. :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Two Weeks Into the Semester!!!!
Well its beeeeeen 2 weeks. My semester started beautifully while my roommate, Angela, and I started getting along grandly. We really hit it off. Classes have been quite nice; I think I will thoroughly enjoy this semester, it might be hard, but I love a challenge. Social life is kinda slow because Im working full time, 20 hours AND going to classes. Homework is a bit of a pain, and I dont know, I just am suffering from homesickness.
My dorm is so cute, and I love the way that we have it set up. I am in the shared room with a sink again, and loving it. We don't really have any problems with anything in our room, which is phenomenal.
New announcements? umm... I chopped off my hair, oh and BYU beat UCLA 59 to 0 this afternoon. That was awesome. hmmmmm..... I bought a new pair of shoes for 30 on sale from 70. That was quite nice. I got a new coat for 20 bucks which is adorable, its a pea coat and man oh man is it darling.
3116 Taylor Hall
Provo, UT 84604
Oh yeah. Elder Holland spoke at BYU last Sunday for a CES conference to all Young Adults. I suggest you look up his talk, it changed my life. It was all about dealing with trials, and was based on D&C sections 121, 122, 123 while the Prophet Joseph was jailed in Liberty. The jail, although incarceration, was more liberating than a lot of other trials come upon by the Prophet. We all need to realize that through our trials, we gain knowledge both spiritual and temporal to help us make it through the day.
Well... I should go do homework. Please text me, remember me in your prayers.
I love you all.
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